ODOC: ln

ln — Make LiNks between files.

Summary :

Create a link to the specified TARGET with optional LINK_NAME. If LINK_NAME is omitted, a link with the same basename as the TARGET is created in the current directory. By default, it makes HardLinks.

A “hard link” is another name for an existing file. The link and the original are indistinguishable. They share the same inode.

A Soft links/Symbolic links/symlinks are a special file type. The link file actually refers to a different file, by name. At runtime kernel automatically “dereferences” the link and operates on the target of

the link.


$ ln –help — Show help info.

$ ln A B — Creates hard link B for file A.

$ ln -b A B — Same as above. If B is already exist then Take a backup (B~) and creates new B.

$ ln -b -S .bak A B — Same as above. If B is already exist then Take a backup with specified extension name(B.bak) & creates new B.

$ ln -f A B — Force. If B is exist then overwrite it.

$ ln -i A B — Interactive. Prompt the user for removing the already existing file B.

$ ln -s A B — Creates soft link B for file A.

$ ln -s dir1/myfile — Creates link ./myfile pointing to dir1/myfile.

$ ln -s dir1/myfile myfile — Creates link ./myfile pointing to dir1/myfile.

$ ln -s a b .. — Creates links ../a and ../b pointing to ./a & ./b

Read: man ln

odoc, ln, linux, gnu/linux, links