ODOC: paste

paste – Merge lines of files.

Summary :

Paste writes the lines from files in parallel and sequential manner in the screen. By default, Lines will be separated by a TAB character.

Examples :

$ paste f1 f2 f3 — Contents of the f1,f2 & f3 will be pasted in parallel and lines are separated by TABs.

$ paste -d’#’ f1 f2 f3 — Same as above. But # is the separator.

$ paste -d’@#’ f1 f2 f3 — Same as above. But the separator for f1 & f2 is @ and for f2 & f3 is #.

$ paste -s f1 f2 — Paste one file at a time instead of in parallel (as in above commands)

$ paste num word > myfile — Paste the content of num & word and write the output into myfile.

Read : man paste

paste, odoc, linux, gnu/linux,