Here is a quick review of what happened all the days that I weren’t here.
- Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10 released on October 26. This release wasn’t so satisfying as there were numerous problems with upgrading and still there is no proper flash support for 64bit. I am planning to reinstall Edgy 386 instead of the 64bit version.
- Novell made an agreement with Microsoft to boost the interoperability of their competing software products on Nov 2.
- Later Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft said that Linux uses Microsoft’s intellectual property. Microsoft will pay Novell $440 million in coupons for a year worth of maintenance. Novell will have to pay $40 million for using the IP of Microsoft. For this money all Novell users can say that they paid properly for the intellectual property.
- But Novell says that this agreement has nothing to do with any infringement.