ODOC: lsb_release

lsb_release — Show Linux Standard Base and Distribution info.


If the installation is LSB compliant, the /etc/lsb-release file should contain the LSB_VERSION field and other optional fields like DISTRIB_ID, DISTRIB_RELEASE, DISTRIB_CODENAME, DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION.

lsb_release will read the above config file and show the details in different format. It is useful command to find your distribution informations.


$ lsb_release — Show the LSB version number.

$ lsb_release -i — Display the distributor ID or Name.

$ lsb_release -d — Display the single line text description of the distribution.

$ lsb_release -r — Display the release number of the distribution.

$ lsb_release -c — Display the distribution code-name.

$ lsb_release -a — Display all of the above information.

$ lsb_release -s — Show only field values, not the filed name.

$ lsb_release -ds — Show only field values, not the filed name.

$ lsb_release -as — Show in short format.

Read: man lsb_release

lsb_release, distribution, distro, linux+distro, linux, gnu/linux